British Rail Class 42 'Warship'

Class 42 by Richard Gawler

By Richard Gawler

Base model

Fleischmann item 4247 (BR blue "Glory")

Body shell, glazing, detailing

Fleischmann original.


Lowered onto bogies using method devised by Phil Burkett, and described in issue number 58 of 'Satellite 1:87'.

Motor, drive train, wheels

Fleischmann motor and gear train. Ultrascale 11mm wheels. Final drive gears cut off the original Fleischmann wheels and attached to the backs of the Ultrascale wheels.






Cab interior mouldings modified to fit over bogies with lowered chassis. Kadee #146 couplers in draft gear boxes fitted onto original chassis coupler mounts.

Electrics Rewired to isolate the chassis so it is no longer a live conductor. Wired for DC with pickups on only the unpowered bogie.

British 1:87 Scale Modelling