USATC 'S100' (0-6-0T)

Hornby-Rivarossi USATC 0-6-0 tank loco


Operating companies/organisations

United States Army Transportation Corps in USA and Europe, railway operators in Britain (Southern Rail), France, Belgium, Austria, Italy, Greece, Yugoslavia, Jamaica, several industrial railways and short lines

Years of operation

1942 -
+ preservation


Manufacturer and supplier

Hornby International (Rivarossi brand)


Fully assembled. Metal chassis with plastic body and details. Cab interior detail for the upper part of the cab, with a raised cab floor hiding the motor. NEM362 coupler pockets. Directional lighting with Continental-pattern lamps.

Based on a prototype used in Italy, with a raised ventilator panel to the cab roof added after delivery. Removal of this vent creates a model of a locomotive in the condition used in Great Britain, including on the Southern Railway (before rebuilding into the USA Class), in industry and in the War Department.

Motive power

Motorised. DC or DCC.


£163 (JAN14 ehattons)


Released 2013.

British 1:87 Scale Modelling